The anime adaptation of the Adult VN School Days, animated by TNK.
Spoilers for the Shows ending lie in the next paragraph, following the picture.
Here's where things get....Interesting.
Makoto leaves the room to get his phone. He quickly checks to see if he got any texts recently. He did. From Sekai. And it confuses the hell out of Makoto.
Sekai then runs into the room and - get this - STABS MAKOTO TO DEATH. After she's done, she leaves and goes back home. Kotonoha meanwhile, comes to Makoto's house to see how her boyfriend is doing. She sees the mess that Sekai left behind her, and actually knows it was Sekai who murdered Makoto. Kotonoha texts Sekai to meet up on the roof of the high school (from Makoto's phone). They meet on the roof. Kotonoha has a bag with her, and she asks Sekai to look inside the bag.
I've never seen any of TNK's other shows, so I wouldn't be able to really compare School Days to any other anime out there in regards to it's animation quality. I'll just take it for what it is then. Although the lighting isn't as good as the original Visual Novel's (which by the way, was also an animated VN), I think that it's more fluid than the VN and has more structure to it and it looks less awkward. So it's an improvement in some places, even if it loses it's pretty good lighting effects. The expressions are good too, making me laugh and be freaked out when the time is right.
Makoto's head is in the bag.
Sekai is then stabbed to death by Kotonoha, who brings Makoto's head out onto a nice boat (I HAD TO MAKE THAT JOKE SOMEWHERE) and holds it to her chest, saying that she can now be with him forever. It also turns out that Sekai wasn't pregnant and it was all just a lie to make Makoto stay with her. Now, while the context isn't great, what actually happens is pretty damn shocking the first time through, mainly because of the voice acting and well, it just comes out of nowhere. It's probably the best thing about the anime to be honest.
Oh the irony here is stunning. |
Let's be honest here guys: The characters in School Days were at best, okay in the original visual novel, but they were never anything special. In the anime, they are the most unbelieveably stupid people alive...
Itou Makoto
...And none come more stupid and come off as much of a dickhead as our main character ladies and gentlemen. What the FUCK was this guy thinking when he thought he could have a relationship with nearly SIX DIFFERENT WOMEN? Sure, in some of the endings of the original he did get with - at most - three girls and he lived a happy life, but the way the writers dealt with the source material here is just absolutely bonkers. He likes Kotonoha, then he likes Sekai, then he likes his middle school crush (can't remember her name. Well Done Dillon) Then he likes Sekai again, then he likes Kotonoha and THEN HE DIES. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS GOING ON IN THIS GUY'S MIND.
I'm not even going to bother picking a favourite character. how could you when they're all a bunch of idiots filling in a generic anime role? Except maybe Kotonoha who goes bonkers at then end, but that's her only decent moment. Everything else is just horrible when it comes to this animes characters.
Overall....this show is quite the show. For all the wrong reasons. Characters are fucked up and the story doesn't really go anywhere until then end. Now, it's not as bad as let's say, Sword Art Online (haters gonna hate) but it's still a bad anime and I'd only recommend it if you're curious about the ending or if you're a fan of the Visual Novel.
Story: 7
Characters: 0.5
Animation: 6
Sound: 9.5
Personal enjoyment: 5
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