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Saturday 14 December 2013

REVIEW - Sonic Unleashed (HD, 2008)

Platformer's are probably the easiest types of games to develop, the only hard thing to come up wih really is a unique world with intricate levels. They're fun and easy to pick up and play. So what happens when you take one of the most famous platforming IP's on the planet - which recently suffered from two very poor releases - and add a fuck tonne of speed and God of War to the mix?

The flawed but fun Sonic Unleashed, for Xbox 360 and PS3 (different versions available on Wii and PS2)

Sonic Unleashed takes place in an unknown time after the events of SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (2006). Dr. Eggman is up to his usual schemes and tricks, and Sonic decides to conduct a Solo raid on one of his air fleets, since Sonic is Sonic and raids Eggman's shit all the damn time because Eggman is evil. Sonic decides to become Super and follows Eggman to a very umm...phallic looking ship. Here, Eggman ricks Sonic into believing that he's changed his ways, and uses a machine to extract power out of the Chaos Emeralds. This has a effect on Sonic, as it turns him into a Werewolf-esque creature known as Sonic the Werehog. Eggman uses the Emeralds power to fire a cannon at the planet below, breaking it up into several pieces. Eggman shoots Sonic - and the Emeralds - out the window to the planet below. Sonic wakes in Apotos with a creature who has amnesia. Later in town, due to his love for Chocolate Chip Ice-Cream, Sonic names the guy "Chip". Your objective during the game is to restore the planet to it's former self and stop whatever plan Dr. Eggman is hatching. Sonic Unleashed is a good plot for a Sonic game, but that's not saying a lot. It's pretty formulaic but it's unique for the series.

Gameplay is split into two sections: Daytime levels as Sonic the Hedgehog and nighttime levels as Sonic the Werehog.  During the day, Sonic is what you know him to be: a blue jet straight out of hell itself. The formula was completely overhauled from the previous game, changing from the exploration heavy Sonic Adventure style to a much more linear, compact and speed focused game. What we get is the fastest Sonic game to date, with an absolute unmatched sense of speed that no other game - even racing games - dare to match. With that being said however, Sonic Unleashed does feel like a Racing game a lot of the time, due to the linearity of the levels and the fact that when you boost, you are invincible. The level design can be amazing at some points (See Savannah Citadel and Windmill Isle) and complete shit the next (See: Empire City and Cool Edge). It's very inconsistent but it's still really Goddamn fun.

At night, the game becomes something entirely different. The Werehog levels place you in control of Sonic the Werehog, who's gameplay style is far more based around Platforming and Combat. The Werehog - as you level him up - can be a real blast at times, with flashy combo's and exhilarating attacks. This comes at the cost of real good level design though. The Werehog's levels can last from 10-40 minutes depending on player skill. Hell, one level which uses both Hedgehog and Werehog Sonic can last OVER AN HOUR. For a series that prides itself on speed, that's not a very good thing. The werehog is a fun idea, but executed poorly. I wish the levels were more professionally designed!

Graphically, Sonic Unleashed is hands down the best looking game in the Sonic franchise.The new Hedgehog Engine looks wonderful. Character Models are stunning, and the environments are beautifully detailed and very colourful, each with it's own atmosphere and personality (well, with the locations being based on real places that can be expected.). However, the framerate is an issue. Sonic Unleashed technically runs at 60 Frames Per Second, but since there's so much going on on screen, the game never runs at 60 at all. Sometimes the Framerate drops to 10 FPS and that is an issue that can actually cause damage if your playing the Xbox 360 version, due to it's lower processing power.

 Sound wise, Sonic Unleashed is just fantastic. Voice acting is top notch, with a terrific performance from Jason Griffith as Sonic. The music is one of the all time best soundtracks in gaming, with Jungle Joyride - Night being my personal favourite. With oriental, bombastic, calming and fast paced tracks, Sonic Unleashed contains something for everyone.

Overall, while extremely flawed, Sonic Unleashed is one of the best and most refreshing platformers released in years. Sure, fans give it a tonne of slack and it got very poor reviews, but honestly, the game is good in it's own right. I personally am not a Sonic fan anymore, but Unleashed is the one game I keep coming back to the most for fun. It's got a tonne of problems like framerate issues, a semi-boring plot and inconsistent levels, but give it a try. You may enjoy it.

Story: 5
Gameplay: 6.5
Graphics: 8
Sound: 10
Personal Enjoyment: 8.5

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